Wednesday, 17th October 2007
Vientiane, Lao
Our accommodation this evening is at the Don Chan Palace Hotel, located on the eastern bank of the amazing Mekong River. This is the largest and most luxurious hotel in Vientiane and we are again grateful to our hosts for their generous hospitality.
Our run today from Nacho Ratchasima was uneventful on the excellent Thai Highway linking this city with the Laos border crossing, a distance of about 370 kilometers. Vientiane is a short drive of 20+ kilometers from the border. The border at this point is, in fact, the Mekong River and the crossing is at the Thai/Lao Friendship Bridge.
We expected the worst from Customs and Immigration on both sides but our fears were unfounded. The crossing was relatively smooth with minimal delays. We reached our destination at about 12.30PM after a 6.30AM start. Our total distance traveled is now 3,800 kilometers.
Some members of our team attracted the attention of the Chinese national press this morning before the start. Bingo the Magnificent was filmed loading the Santa Fe in only three takes. Davo was filmed washing the Terracan with great flair. We expect this gripping footage to headline on Chinese television at the end of the Rally. Doc was interviewed for Chinese radio and, again, we expect this sound bite to headline in China. Calls by team members for the appointment of a team press secretary plus a make-up person are being pointedly ignored by the Big Cheese. Head sizes are being measured daily for obvious reasons.
Some team members took advantage of the early check-in to enjoy the hotel pool but the afternoon was used as an opportunity to relax and catch up on sleep. Dinner this evening was in the hotel’s Chinese Restaurant. Vientiane is a lively and attractive city with a good number of tourists in evidence. The French influence is still apparent in the architecture, restaurants and street designations (rues). Regrettably, time has not allowed us to explore the city properly.
Tomorrow our destination is the city of Vinh in Vietnam.
“Although fine weather and predictable road conditions can be expected for the remaining leg to Nanning, Team Singapore, Motosports (TSM) is leaving nothing to chance. We conducted checks on our cars and tighten the under-carriage. Unfortunately, we have to persevere with the suspension of both the Santa Fe and Terracan have shown early signs of fatigue. On the other hand, for various (or wrong) reasons, some crews of TSM are in extremely high spirit. Bingo is excited about the prospect of staging performances upon our arrival in Nanning. Aki-boon was seen checking out Ho Chi Ming Trail while Davo has gotten friendly with some of the masseurs whom he had patronised. Pictures of Davo in action are available upon request.”
Leslie Chang, Chief d’ Mission, TSM.