Sunday, 21st October 2007
Ningming, China
Sunday has been the proverbial day of rest for all team members. A chance to catch up on sleep and to do a bit laundry and sight seeing.
After a late breakfast, all Rally participants were called for a photo shoot in the hotel grounds. These photos will feature in the printed books produced to commemorate the CAITA 2007. It was a fun event with everyone in high spirits. The end is in sight, a real relief for the Chinese crews who have traveled in both directions, spending some four weeks away from home and clocked over 10,000 kilometers.
After lunch, we were treated to a guided tour of the local icon, the Hua Shan Cliffs with their remarkable primitive paintings. Using our own vehicles, with police escort, we took a short 15 minute drive to a boat landing on the Ming Jiang (river). Three boats then took us up river for half an hour or so to the Hua Shan Cliffs, famous for their primitive paintings dating back over 2,500 years. The river cruise was simply charming, the scenery postcard perfect.
Returning to the hotel, our next event was a basketball match between a local team and volunteers from the Rally. A special dinner then followed at 8PM. A number of local female singers entertained us and our own Bingo the Magnificent was the final act. He had the entire audience crowding the stage area to catch his act and, despite some silly interruptions by one of the audience, he acquitted himself with honour.
As usual the Singapore and Malaysian teams were the last to leave the dining room, making sure there was as little alcohol remaining as possible.
Peace has broken out between Lay-pid and Aki-boon with the result of the Rugby World Cup Final reaching us. We were all disappointed to learn that Lay-pid’s glorious England had lost to South Africa….to repeat, South Africa beat England!!