Thursday, August 30, 2012

CAITA 2012 Daily Report - Day 3

Initiated by the state government of Guangxi Province, the primary objective China-Asean International Touring Assembly (CAITA) is to promote the overland connectivity between China and ASEAN countries.  Dubbed as the harmonious modern “ Silk Road ” as well as the “largest, broadest and longest automobile assembly race in Asia ”, it is one of the main events leading to the annual China-ASEAN Summit that will be held in Nanning City , China .  (Official Website of CAITA:

The following is a daily account of Leslie Chang who is the Singapore representative for the event.

Day 3, Surat Thani to Pattaya 30th Aug 2012

Yesterday, we spotted this rather foolhardy act along Thailand’s Highway 4.

This morning, we saw another example.  Foolhardy as it may seem but certainly not an easy feat.


Today, I decided to take a back seat and let Irene and Ernest do most of the driving.


Flower sellers can be seen at most junctions along Thailand main truck roads.


Some sellers will even take extra efforts to dress up for the job!


The route from Surat Thani to Pattaya took us past the outskirts of Bangkok and ran closely along the Gulf of Siam.  Fortunately, the weather was fine and this picture was taken shortly before the rain poured after we arrived in Pattaya.