Like any other day during the year end season, it was raining and the water level of the flowing rivers was unusually high.
Is this a picture of another river? No, it was one of the many flooded sections of our route!
At times, the flooding water rose as high as 1 meter. The Outback was definitely no amphibian, but its self-leveling suspension helped to keep us adequately high and dry. We even managed to overtake some slower-moving vehicles, including this truck. For obvious reasons, lane discipline is secondary under such trying conditions.
Here’s a picture that provides further proof that the route was not passable to ordinary vehicles. The Outback’s All-Wheel-Drive system was put to good use at many treacherous and muddy sections including this inclination and narrow crossing.
Amid our family-packaged adventure, we found time for a kit-kat break and enjoyed the occasional sight of the migratory birds.
Outside the primary forest area, the route was mostly lined with palm trees.
Due to the constant rain, we spent most of our time in the car. Still, it was an educational trip, especially for Carmen who also enjoyed bringing you these pictures with this Cyber-shot camera.
Given the mileage and stock-condition of my Outback, its overall performance in the jungle with full load was remarkable. For those with similar type of cars or suitable off roaders, you may be pleased to know that you could attempt such an expedition with a group in an organised outing. For more information, please contact Chris Ng at